NEOSTI Policies

Agreement to Contracts and Legal Compliance

All agreements and contracts entered into with National Environmental & Occupational Safety Training, Inc. (NEOSTI) are subject to compliance with federal laws and the laws of the State of Florida. It is the responsibility of both NEOSTI and the contracting party to ensure that all engagements are conducted within the legal framework set by these governing bodies.

No Refund Policy

NEOSTI maintains a strict no refund policy for courses and services under the following conditions:

Cancellations by No Shows: If a participant fails to show up for a scheduled course or service without prior notification, no refund will be issued.

Cancellations with Less Than One Week Notice: If a course or service is canceled with less than one week’s notice, no refund will be issued.

We strongly encourage participants to commit to their scheduled courses and services to ensure the effective use of resources and opportunity for learning.

Service Contract Cancellation Policy

For any service contract with NEOSTI, a 30-day notice is required for cancellation by either party. This policy allows both NEOSTI and the contracting party to manage resources and schedules effectively. During this 30-day notice period, either party has the right to cancel the contract.

Limitation of Liability for Regulatory Changes

NEOSTI is not liable for changes in regulations or policies by OSHA or any other regulatory agencies that may affect the content or validity of our training programs. We strive to keep our training material up-to-date and compliant with current standards; however, it is the responsibility of the contracting party to ensure that the training they receive meets the requirements of their specific regulatory context.